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Dream diary entry #??? [May. 25th, 2017|12:52 pm]
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[Current Mood |as lazy as ever]
[Current Music |something non-commital ]

This was a dream of my first sleeping period of the night, so I overslept it with 3 more hours of sleep and my memory of it isn't exact anymore.

It seems I must have had a row of some sorts with my mother, which ended in my decision to spent the night on the porch of a former shop nearby our building [which IRL was indeed a shop when I was little, but nowadays is a security firm, but alas in my dream it was forlorn ]. And for some reason I was very tired or my reticular formation wasn't working properly, as I slept all through some guys playing guitars and hanging out on the same porch, one minute I met the eye of one of them looking straight at me, the next my mind went black, and I was floating in the blissful darkness of my dreamworld.
I opened my eyes to see a dark-haired girl about 20 looking at me from above. She wore no make-up and her face was very pale, it seemed like a second moon, almost shining over me. She was dressed all in black - black fish-net tights, black shorts, black leather-poncho-contraption, which as I discovered later was supposed to hide her very pregnant belly. And just as you do know things in dreams, I knew she was a witch.
"This is my place." She said very softly, so I wondered if she did actually say it, or just made me hear it.
I moved over and we slept back to back, and I wasn't cold anymore for her back was hot as a hearth.
[ then there's a gap in my dream ]
Some other night, I was sitting there with the guitar playing guys, wrapped in a blanket drinking tea with just a whiff of Irish whiskey about it. The girl appeared, there was something wrong with her. She was bent in half and moaning, then she fell, and started crawling all snake like, slithering towards us, her eyes completely white. The guys ran, all except one. His eyes locked with mine just as they did that first night.
"She's about to have a baby." I heard myself say, though I wasn't sure that was the case. "You'll have to help me."
And he did.
The girl was covered in slime and kept growing some sort of misty membranes around herself, as a cocoon. We tore at them, for they kept growing and covering her mouth and nostrils, and she was suffocating, and I was worried that the baby might have a had a hundred of ischemic strokes, before it was finally out. It was a [I would lie if I said "beautiful"] baby girl, whose first cry coincided with the first beam of sunlight. We wrapped them both in my blanket, and just sat there panting from the exertion, among the early morning bird songs and scent of flowers and earth.
I went to wash my hands and face in a nearby stream, as I came back he was standing there fidgeting a little bit, looking at me with a serious expression.
"Will you have dinner with me?" He said, and as a pause prolonged added: ".. sometime?"
"I'd love to."
He smiled, and went to wash himself, but turned back and started packing our things:
"No. Let's do it now.. breakfast.. my place."

And there I woke up blissfully happy, before I fell back into another dream about my course-mates and an ostentatious retro car with antlers.
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Date:May 25th, 2017 - 01:36 pm
Wow, would love to read it as a book
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Date:May 25th, 2017 - 02:55 pm
Interesanti palasīt :)