Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - notes on loneliness [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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notes on loneliness [Jul. 21st, 2010|09:29 pm]
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[Current Mood |sēd]
[Current Music |se7en [mp]]

I miss my dad - because without him nobody jokes and laughs around here, and nobody goes to answer the door every 10 minutes.. so I have to do that.. and I hate doing that.
I miss my mom because I miss a great deal of conversation, even if she listens just halfheartedly.. with all my friends busy and brother being out of the time.. and granny talking only about health problems.. that's been a hell of a week.
I was so happy to answer a phone.. and talking to smb out there.. tell mom's friends she's away..

I mean it - visi kkā vienlaicīgi nozuda. un tagad visi nāk back un es sasolīju nākamo nedēļu, pilnīgi aizmirstot, ka piestrādāšu..
It is a strange thing loneliness - you welcome it and hate it..
pirmā diena, protams, ir vissarežģītākā.. es pat sāku sarakstīties ar 8gadīgu meiteni no Indijas..
bet there's never been a better friend than a book or a movie..
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Date:July 23rd, 2010 - 11:52 pm
jā, vientulību remdē grāmata un filma. un arī tā ir saruna.