Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - April 12th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 12th, 2011

let he who is without sin, cast the first stone [Apr. 12th, 2011|03:03 am]
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[Current Mood |(yawn)]
[Current Music |tik tak tik tok tik ..]

jesus christ, never thought I would fall for that one.. but history repeats itself..
1) I hated Colin Firth - I absolutely adore him now;
2) I hated Clive Owen - I really enjoy him play;
3) I hated Daniel Craig - I love the way he talks;

and now.. tam ta da da dam.. it's happening with.. tam ta da da dam.. Gerard Butler.
It's all the same - I know I hate him, and then I start realizing - I have no real reasons for hating him. There's usually one or two movies I hate him for - like '300' in this case, but I haven't even seen '300'. And what I've seen of him I l-o-v-e-d.. [apart from 'Phantom of the Opera', but I didn't like the whole thing].
first I liked him in 'P.S. I love you', then in 'Ugly Truth', then in 'Law Abiding Cirizen' and 'Bounty Hunter'.. and of course in 'How to train your dragon' too - I love the way he talks - voice and accents. [with all the guys mentioned above it started with pronunciation too - I'm pathetic]..
And just now I watched 'Dear Frankie' - which was so gorgeous, that I just had to write.. and he was.. just the way I like men to be.

[probably will have to make a mm-list for him soon enough]

p.s. all these 4 [he is number four :D ] are bloody British, now - isn't that a coincidence!!!
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that family of mine.. [Apr. 12th, 2011|10:47 am]
[Current Mood |pissed]
[Current Music |tšš, it's a library]

.. will drive me crazy one day.
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