Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - April 7th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 7th, 2010

par nāvi, again [Apr. 7th, 2010|07:04 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Mood |gūd]
[Current Music |steve erdody / jonathan rhys meyers - elgar / something insi]

'Michael could never remember his father ever having uttered a word about death, as if the Don respected death too much to philosophize about it.'

/from 'The Godfather' by Mario Puzo/

vsp šitā kvote sort of made me ashamed of myself.
bet ja es tā sāku domāt es tiešām necienu nāvi.. i had almost nothing to do with it, i don't know..
so how can i respect it heartily?
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brr [Apr. 7th, 2010|09:26 pm]
[Current Mood |brr]
[Current Music |jonathan rhys meyers - this time]

man istabā ir +16° un zosāda.
gribu gulēt zem segas, dzert tēju un lasīt grāmatu.
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