Grain of Salt - September 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 7th, 2009

[Sep. 7th, 2009|11:30 am]
Noskatījos BBC dokumentālo filmu "Tetris: from Russia with love". Ļoti labi nostrādāta, interesanta filma par tetra vēsturi. Vienīgais, man filmā nepatika, ka ideju brīvība tika pasniegta kā ekvivalents komunismam. Manuprāt filmu caurvij neliela patentu propoganda. Filmā visu laiku tiek uzsvērts, ka "everybody was cashing in", bet nabaga Aleksejs Pajitnovs palika bešā. Arī wikipēdijā tas jau pirmajās rindās tiek īpaši uzsvērts:
Despite being the developer of Tetris, Pajitnov himself made almost no money out of it, because due to the nature of Communism and the Soviet system, everything he made was owned by the community.

Un tagad skats uz saulaino kapitālismu, kur viss notiek pilnīgi citādi un taisnīgi:
Despite being the developers of Unix, Thompson and Ritchie themselves made almost no money out of it, because due to the nature of Capitalism and the Corporate system, everything they made was owned by the corporation.
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