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Jan. 5th, 2006


11:24 pm - man palīdzēja vairāk izprast kubiešu mūziku, īpaši rumbu

"All clave-based music and dance is grounded in a cycle of four main beats (or pulses if you prefer). The main beats are commonly written as half-notes in 4/4 and dotted quater-notes in 6/8. Each beat is subdivided into three and/or four subdivisions (commonly written as eight-notes). The typical method of notating the music in two bars of 4/4 has been a continual source of confusion in the Latin music world. If you think of it as 2/2 you will be fine. That means you will tap your foot four times per clave (two measures), be it "4/4" clave or "6/8" clave. You may find it easier to tap your foot eight times per "4/4" clave and six times per "6/8" clave. However, this is folly. While the four beat cycle may be awkward at first, it won't be for long and you will feel the music correctly."

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