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Dec. 11th, 2003


11:02 am - PHP revisited

Pagājis laiks, kad teicu: "PHP ir forši un PHP sucks". Tagad redzu šo valodu, kā noderīgu instrumentu tās nišā - ātri samest kopā HTMLu un, iespējams, papildināt to ar nelielu datubāzi un lietotāja interaktivitāti.

Aaron Crane raksta par iespējām un grūtībām izmantojot šo valodu lielu saitu veidošanā.

"Experiences of Using PHP in Large Websites" conclusions:

PHP is a convenient language for rapidly prototyping simple dynamic websites. Websites thus built can in many cases be deployed indefinitely, without spending time and money on refactoring code in a different language. PHP’s simplicity makes it a good language for inexperienced programmers, such as those moving from a pure page-design rôle to a site development one.

For more experienced developers, though, the language’s simplicity rapidly turns into complexity, slowing down the development process. These developers are the ones who have the skills needed to build large and/or complex websites; using PHP for such sites therefore tends to be a net loss. This tendency is reinforced by PHP’s lack of the linguistic features needed to promote working on large software projects. If your project is at all large or complex, it may be better to look elsewhere when choosing an implementation language.

In cases where PHP has been determined to be inappropriate, what language should be used? There is considerable choice here; few languages are as bad as PHP for doing serious development work. The author and his colleagues have had good results with Perl, and believe that languages such as C++, Java, and Python should serve equally well.

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