Mon, Oct. 14th, 2013, 12:09 pm

Lietas laika gaitā nemainās. Stāsts, sarakstīts 1965.gadā:

"Everything these days is telling them that they're nobody special, they're just people. There are men people and women people—and what's the difference anyway? They want something that...tells them they're not people, they're men! Straight down-the-line, two-fisted, let's-stand-up-and-be-counted men! A place where they can get away from the crap that's being thrown at them all the time: the women-maybe-are-the-superior-sex crap, the women-outlive-them-and-outown-them crap, the a-real-man-has-no-need-to-act-masculine crap—all that crap."

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