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īsti nezinu, vai viņa te mazliet kariķē freidisti Melāniju Klainu un viņas "Love, Guilt and Reparation", vai arī citē precīzi, bet savā Jeila lekcijā "Why Preserve the Life of the Other" Batlere saka tā:
"I love you, but you are already me, carrying the burden of my unrepaired past, my deprivation and my destructiveness. And I am, doubtless, that for you. Taking the brunt of punishment for what you never received. We are for one another already a faulty substitutions for irreversible pasts. Neither one of us really getting past the desire of repairing, what cannot be repaired. And here we are, however, hopefully sharing a decent glass of wine."

Es nezinu, kam es gribu patikt. Draugus es nedabūju, gribēdams kādam patikt. Radus - ne tik ne. Viņi visi citādāk atnāca. Varbūt būs vēl citi, varbūt ne. Viņus es vēl nezinu, tāpēc gribēšanai patikt nebūs bijis lielas nozīmes.

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