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18:04: "A South Park episode has included a group called Team America with an actor-turned-spy Gary, who sums up the film’s central political message with breathtaking anatomical crudity:

The world divides into three types of people: “dicks”(aggressive American right-wingers), “pussies”(peacenik liberals), and “assholes”(terrorists). The dicks can sometimes be obnoxious and thickheaded, all right, and the pussies help keep them in check from time to time, but you need the dicks to deal with the assholes, who will otherwise ruin everyone’s lives. And the pussies can become SUCH pussies that they edge perilously close to being assholes themselves." :)


[User Picture]
Date:8. Septembris 2005 - 00:09
Es šito filmu toč esmu redzējusi...
Date:8. Septembris 2005 - 08:27
Nezinu, pričom te "Dienvidparks", taču ir filma "Team America: World Police", leļļu multene. Diezgan jautra. Tur tas penteris arī figurē.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Septembris 2005 - 09:54
Autori tie paši, bet es tur ātrumā neatsekoju, kas ir kas, man tā ideja patīk, bet filmu neesmu redzējis. btw, pat tādā gabalā kā "Mars Attack" esot epizode, ka atnāk ziņa, ka francūži ar marsiešiem jau esot vienojušies, bet tad Francijas vietā paliek izdedzis caurums vai kas tamlīdzīgs :)
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