es sapratu,kāpēc manā galvā pēdējā laikā regulāri uzpeld vārds "dorsal". tāpēc, ka to rāda hausa titros.
p.s. you can learn so much by watching things like house m.d. . for example, up until now i had no idea there was a difference between a stroke (like a medical term for the thing that happens to old people's hearts) and a heart attack.
[edit] vai arī stroke bija galvā, tākā, insults? hmmm
[edit] after checking with my dear friend google: yup, stroke tomēr obviously ir insults, nevis infarkts. DAMN! cik es esmu neattapīga.
taustiņi zied kā pelējums - Post a comment
let it always be known that i was who i am
cukursēne (saccharomyces) wrote on November 10th, 2009 at 01:01 am
tā strādā reklāmas