hey-ho, anyone wanna do this and share what you got?
man šis apgalvo, ka the most important person in my life is my dog, and my sexual desire is tiny, hahah :D
šis, savukārt, bija visai pārsteidzoši šķitami akurāts.
(if you wanna do it, don't read the following text until you've done it)
turns out, i think of myself as green and nice, my friends are close to me and depend on me a lot (i mean, kubā iecirstas kāpnes, kā gan var būt vēl tuvāk un pret kubu atblastītāk, eh?) and obviously i value them a lot, since the word that describes our relationship is "monumental", i understand myself quite well but am not really transparent to everyone, children are unexpected and close to me (lol. yeah. bet vispār wow, cik atbilstīgi, jo pirmā doma, kad tur bija par tām bērnus reprezentējošajām puķēm bija "neiederīgi", un patiešām, šobrīd jau nu man bērni būtu viasai neiederīgi, hah), my lover is free and staring at me reproachfully, and the troubles in my life are huge, but far away, approaching, but will pass. :D
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let it always be known that i was who i am
cukursēne (
saccharomyces) wrote on February 9th, 2011 at 05:29 am