04 October 2012 @ 12:43 am
look at my beer, beer is amazing :D  
In agreement with Dr. Mack Mitchell, President of the Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, professor Gasbarrini found strong evidence from observational studies that all alcoholic drinks are linked with lower risk of CHD (coronary heart disease).

.. beer, which is made from malted barley, also contains antioxidants(..), the stouts and dark ales - due to a higher content of polyphenols - led the antioxidant contest with TAAs in the range of 1.50-2.00 mM.

The main ingredient of beer is malt - sprouting barley and during malting the vitamin content increases. One litre of beer supplies the body with the following percentage of its daily requirement: B6 17% Niacin 13% B2 (riboflavin) 17% Biotin 17% Panthothenic acid 8% Folate 10-45%

Recent work has shown that a supply of low levels of soluble silicon promote bone fracture healing. Normal dietary silicon intake in adults is 20-50mgs/day. The content of 10-40 mgs silicon in a bioavailable form (orthosilicic acid) makes beer a major dietary source of silicon. In several population studies a moderate intake of alcohol was associated with a higher BMD (bone mineral density) = stronger bones.

Beer improves appetite, promotes secretion of gastric juice, aids digestion and may reduce the risk of stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. Regular drinkers of beer (and wine) seem to be less prone to developing dementia. At bedtime beer is cherished as a mild sedative. Moderate beer consumption is likely to reduce the risk of maturity-onset diabetes and a recent investigation has shown a reduced risk of heart failure in light drinkers. The result of a moderate intake of beer for a group of elderly Australian beer drinkers was a 7.6 months increase in survival.

In conclusion Beer is a well-balanced, low-alcohol beverage with significant levels of vitamins (in particular folates), minerals and silicon. Regular, moderate beer drinking may be a part of a healthy lifestyle together with wholesome food, exercise, keeping your weight down and not smoking.
04 October 2012 @ 01:32 am
the back of my head  
vēl viena ļoti jautra lieta - šodien, kad no mūsu antropolōģiskās pasēdēšanas krogā gāja projām brazīļu puisis, viņš teica, ka tagad atvadīsies ar tradicionālu brazīļu buču, es teicu - umm, ok, un tad man likās, ka viņš nobučoja manu pakausi un tāpēc es sāku ķiķināt un prasīju, vai tas ir tas, ko viņš darīja (iespējams, tāda ilūzija radās tādēļ, ka es sēdēju un viņš stāvēja un vnk noliecās, nez), un viņš teica nē un ka tā bija tikai puse, sit still, let me try this again, un tad viņš to darīja atkal, un tas bija vnk tā tipiskā silto zemju lieta, kad cilvēki bučo gaisu katrā pusē otra cilvēka sejai.

bet es nekādi nevaru tikt pāri tai domai, ka varētu ieviest tādu atvadīšanās rituālu, kur cilvēki cits citam bučo pakausi, tas mani tik ļoti uzjautrina, jo reāli man liekas neviens to nekad īsti nedara, nu, varbūt izņemot maziem bērniem, kurus jau var bučot wherever un īpašās situācijās (wink-wink), kad nekam citam netiek klāt or smth.

bet man pakausi laikam neviens tā vienkārši nav bučojis, haha.
04 October 2012 @ 03:47 am
For Bennett enchantment is thus less a form of knowledge or belief and more a ‘mood’, which involves ‘a surprising encounter, a meeting with something that you did not expect and are not fully prepared to engage’ (Bennett 2001, p 5)
04 October 2012 @ 12:13 pm
necelšos(i), necelšos(i), miedziņš nāk  
sapņoju par ļoti skaistu feministisku dzejoli, ko izpildīja sieviete ar čellu, pēc tam izrādījās, ka to sarakstījis ir vecs vīrietis ar klavierēm, kuram citā mājas istabā ar mākslas projekts, kur pie sienas piestiprināta tiny bjorka ar tādiem kā kukaiņa segmentiem, kuru virknes izplešas tālāk uz visām pusēm, uz kuriem pūšot visai instalācijai var likt viļņoties

par dzejoli vairāk neatceros neko citu, izņemot ka tas bija angliski un ļoti izjusts

laikam jau labi, ka jāceļas -
pēc tam sapnis kļuva pārāk jauks un priecīgs
04 October 2012 @ 01:31 pm
the ballet of the mind
04 October 2012 @ 02:02 pm
handing in an assignment  
first-time jitters
04 October 2012 @ 08:35 pm
es esmu nogurusi un izsalkusi (labi vismaz, ka ne salijusi, haha), bet briesmīgā cepeškrāsns jau teju 30min silda tik tizli, ka mana pica (jo man likās, ka tā ir laba ātra mazpiepūles ēdiena ideja; kas, acīmredzami, bija kļūda) joprojām ir knapi silta, lai gan es centos to cepeškrāsni papriekš uzkarsēt. man ir bail, ka es vienkārši aizmigšu, pirms tā lieta izcepsies

labās ziņas - pat tad, droši vien, viņa nepārogļosies, jo uz tādu meistardarbu šī cepeškrāsns, manuprāt, nav spējīga

updt: yess. izcepās. kopējais ilgums - 48min