cukursēne ([info]saccharomyces) wrote on July 29th, 2015 at 03:06 pm
The most spiritual question in the world is not whether there is a god, or how we came to be in the universe. The most spiritual question in the world does not concern itself with knowing why there is suffering or why we are here; those ponderings stem from the most spiritual question.
The aim of every mystical tradition in any religion is a sincere and relentless pursuit of the answer to the most spiritual question. The most spiritual question is about you.

The question is: Who am I, really?

Brain injury, above all other anguishes known to man, perpetually invites us to embark on the search for our selves. Who are we, other than our brains, really?

//Michael Paul Masson, 2008, Head Cases: Stories of Brain Injury and its Aftermath
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