June 19th, 2006


Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and
suspicious of men who try to.
-- H. Mumford Jones

Man has to suffer. When he has no real afflictions, he invents some.
-- Jose Marti

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it.
-- Upton Sinclair

Typically, the weakest spot of men is their manhood, be it physically or mentally. We all know that a blow to the genitals can bring down the strongest man. But striking at a man's sense of manhood is just as efficient a cowardly "low blow". The magical formula to defeat a macho is by pushing him to do something dangerous and stupid, with the (not so) "secret" words : "I dare you to do it, if you're a man."
--Pascal Rassi

A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive.
-- Pearl Bailey

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Eight Problems That Haven't Changed in Web design:
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kā vienmēr - tikko kā esi nobriedis nopietni padzenāt luni, kāds atnāk un visu sabeidz, skot, ka būs mazliet steidzami jāpastrādā tā ka maz neliekas.

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