I ♥ Huckabees
5.. Jul, 2007 | 00:12
skaņas: Depeche Mode - Goodnight Lovers
Tommy Corn: How come we only ask ourselves the really big questions when something bad happens?
Bernard Jaffe: There's no such thing as nothing.
Bernard Jaffe: When you get the blanket thing* you can relax because everything you could ever want or be you already have and are.
Albert Markovski: Everything is the same, even if it's different.
Bernard Jaffe: If you look close enough you can't tell where my nose ends and space begins.
Bernard Jaffe: The universe is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.
Jauka filmiņa.
* - blanket thing
Bernard Jaffe: There's no such thing as nothing.
Bernard Jaffe: When you get the blanket thing* you can relax because everything you could ever want or be you already have and are.
Albert Markovski: Everything is the same, even if it's different.
Bernard Jaffe: If you look close enough you can't tell where my nose ends and space begins.
Bernard Jaffe: The universe is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.
Jauka filmiņa.
* - blanket thing
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* * *
5.. Jul, 2007 | 18:01
skaņas: Depeche Mode - Shine
Kā jums liekas - ja
morphine dodas sirojumos pa veikaliem, cerēdama iegādāt kādu jaunu apģērba gabalu - ko viņa rezultātā nopērk? Protams, ka grāmatas. Veselas trīs.-> J.T. Līrojs "Sirds ir ļaunprātīgi lokana pret visu", Gabriels Garsija Markess "Neticamais un skumjais stāsts par tiklo Erēndiru un viņas cietsirdīgo vecmāmiņu" un Dž.D. Selindžers "Frenija un Zūijs".
Izlasāmo grāmatu saraksts aug. Es viņam netieku līdzi.