([info]methodrone) wrote on July 28th, 2022 at 07:58 pm
Sorry if I keep going on about this, but I am shocked how little support, a tiny kind word, and how monumentally much condescension first time mothers receive. No wonder PND is a thing. No wonder women are scared to have babies.. as if they sensed, that it will be a new, ekstraskaudrs apljechiishanas, patronizeeshanas, ar zaababaku sejaa miidiishanas liimenis.

Tagad arii saprotu, kaapeec gan antenatal appointments gan postnatal appointments liek pildiit visaadas anketas par mental health un kraamee mental health support makalatuuru priekshaa. As if they knew as well of the pure stinky shit these women will have to contend with.

Lovely - motherhood.. dailjaa leeca caur kuru atklaajas sliktaakais liidzcilveekos.

Es arii tagad saprotu, kaapeec jaunie vecaaki nozuud no radara - to close out the pure stinky shit noise.
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