([info]methodrone) wrote on February 12th, 2011 at 07:37 pm
man gribas diendusai iedod trofeju for all the psychedelia and east 17, sapnjoju, ka peldos saulee un ezeraa liistot stipram lietum, skanjeeja east 17 - when the thunder calls you, tad atrados siltaa guultaa guljot uz kazhokaadaam pie uguns, ar ciet aciim, pie manis pienaaca kaads un nobuchoja uz pieres, uzreiz pamodos
lol, galvenaqis ka tajaa dziesmaa ir taada lirika kaa
I called you on the phone
Said 'You're happy on your own'
When I heard your body cry
For my love
Your body's calling me
Your body's calling
I think I'm falling
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