Let us live by dreams and for dreams, distractedly dismantling and recomposing the universe according to the whim of each dreaming moment. Let us do this while being consciously conscious of the uselessness and of doing it. Let us ignore life with every pore of or body, stray from reality with all of our senses, and abdicate from love with our whole heart. Let us fill the pitchers we take to the well with useless sand and empty them out, so as to refill and re-empty them, in utter futility.
Let us fashion garlands so that, once finished, they can be thoroughly and meticulously taken apart.
Let us mix paints on a palette without having a canvas on which to paint. Let us order stone for chiseling without having a chisel and without being sculptors. Let us make everything an absurdity and turn all our sterile hours into pure futilities. Let us play hide-and-seek with our consciousness of living.
Let us hear God tell us we exist with a delighted and incredulous smile on our lips. Let us watch Time paint the world and find the painting not only false but also empty.
Let us think with sentences that contradict one another, speaking out in sounds that aren't sounds and colours that aren't colours. Let us affirm - and grasp, which would be impossible - that we are conscious of not being conscious, and that we are not what we are. Let us explain all this by way of a hidden, paradoxical meaning that things have in their divine, reverse-side dimension, and let us not believe too much in the explanation so that we won't have to give it up..
Let us sculpt in hopeless silence all our dreams of speaking. Let us make all our thoughts of action languish in torpor.
And over all of this the horror of living will hover remotely like a blue and unbroken sky.
But the landscapes we dream are just shades of the landscapes we've seen, ant the tedium of dreaming them is almost as great as the tedium of looking at the world."
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