Tipisks NHS. Izprasa tev simts ar simptomiem nesaistītus jautājumus, states the obvious, pasaka ka neko nezina un ka kāds cits pazvanīs, kāds cits nepazvana, so you're left with popping harmful pills that give you more side effects than initial symptoms. It literally feels like speaking to a glitchy robot, whose very best is to mess you up worse.
Es nespēju noticēt, ka cilvēki kas sevi sauc par ārstiem var būt in such deep bad faith, lack any resemblance of insight, so uncaring, and monumentally disconnected from actual job they are supposed to be doing. Ja tev nerūp pacients, tad atrodi citu profesiju.
Bļēēērgh, ranty ranty angry mud much bads.
Es nespēju noticēt, ka cilvēki kas sevi sauc par ārstiem var būt in such deep bad faith, lack any resemblance of insight, so uncaring, and monumentally disconnected from actual job they are supposed to be doing. Ja tev nerūp pacients, tad atrodi citu profesiju.
Bļēēērgh, ranty ranty angry mud much bads.
35 atziņas | teikt