I wish there was a fail proof way to know what of the crazy dooms are true and to be feared, and what are just scare-mongering and waste of mental energy.
I feel like a lot of it is waste of mental energy. After all - isn't the main conspiracy - that by keeping us in a state of fear they control us. And to be free and authentic to God is to not fear but live each day as a sweet, gentle daisy.
Anyways, I just wish to believe that things are not that negative and that everything will be OK in the end, just as God intended and reliably supports.
So, lai arī I feel like there is a lot of sense in conservative fears and predictions, I also feel like there is so much contradiction bordering in bad faith and same hedonistic fear indulgence as what they fear and criticize.
So I dunno papiņ, I just don't want to feel so bad anymore.
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(methodrone) wrote on June 17th, 2023 at 11:44 am
Laika spoks