Mar. 27th, 2009|09:53 am |
Sooner or later I knew I'd come to this critical juncture in my life. Should I believe that new psychic hotline lady or do I continue to take my orders from the neighbor's dog? Bill Fluharty
My wife only likes to have sex in places if there is a risk of getting caught. Well, I *have* caught her -- numerous times, in fact. Brad Osberg
The Top Movie Oxymorons
- original idea - apolitical award nominee - delicious craft service - stable marriage - humble director - one-take performer - net profit - unnecessary nudity
The Top Driving Tips for the Insane
- Always decide *before* you start off which one of your personalities will be driving on this trip. - DO NOT put the body of the psychiatrist you just murdered IN the car. Drag him behind and pretend you're part of a wedding fleet. - That "road rage" guy beside you? Show him he has nothing on "brain rage" guy. - The more stuff you do while driving (texting, reading, putting on makeup, etc) the faster you have to drive. - Up here at the next intersection would be a good place to pop open the trunk and let the chickens loose. - Why use the horn when a friendly nudge into cross traffic will do? - Your rear view mirror shows you where you've already been: the *past*. Since you cannot change the past, ignore it, and only look ahead to the future! - If the traffic is really scary, close your eyes. - Always wear your seat belt, shoulder restraint, ball gag, and straight jacket. - No talking to your other personalities while driving. - Remember, striking a pedestrian in a crosswalk is murder. On your paint job. - Always signal before turning into Joan of Arc. - Never use your directional signals. You might get a ticket for "improper use of parking lights." - Remember, the longer you drive in reverse, the younger you get! - As long as you keep a steady 26 mph with Barry Manilow blasting and the heater up all the way, the crab-demons can't get out of the glove box.
The Top Military April Fools' Day Jokes
- Selective Service System: Announce that the draft has been reinstated for AIG executives. - Every Army unit: Inform the greenest 2nd Lieutenant that the motor pool needs another lifeguard. - France and Germany: Work out plot to prank the whole world, where France invades Germany, kicks their butts, and declares Germany an official French province. ("Vous avez ete PUNK'D!") - Chief of Naval Operations: Approve use of "fart sack" for mattress covers AND Chief Petty Officers. - Military Intelligence, circa 1876: "No worries, General Custer. There should only be 10 little Indians at Little Big Horn. You'll be fine!" - Service Secretaries: Announce that to help with bail-out plan, all reenlistment bonuses go to AIG. - Drill Sergeants at every boot camp: Use "one" instead of "hup." - Texas Air National Guard: Issue press release that George W. Bush will be finally completing his tour of duty.
The Top Signs You Are Not Cut Out to Be a Makeup Artist
- Your toolkit consists of a trowel, a roll of duct tape and a can of WD40. - You decide to use vertical lines to help create a slimming face. - The sight of supermodels make you vomit continuously. - Your brushes come from Home Depot. - You're a heterosexual male.
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