Khe-he - The Top Scientific Laws of Movies (Part 1) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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The Top Scientific Laws of Movies (Part 1) [Feb. 1st, 2006|11:23 am]
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Uzis can shoot 600 bullets in a minute, yet will miss any running humans.

The mass of a person drops sustantially during a free fall, making it easy to grab onto a ledge or bar.

Bond's Third Law: For every hero there is an unequal and poorly trained number of evil henchmen.

D=T/t, where D is the degree of time dilation, T is the dramatic tension, and t is the time remaining before the bomb explodes.

If anyone shoots a gun at a car, the car must explode in a fiery rage.

Supporting characters can contract a disease via any vector, show symptoms in half a day, and die from the malady at any time convenient to the director.

The speed of a fireball can never exceed the speed of a human running.

Heroes are only non-bullet-proof on the upper arm.

There is no gravity in China.
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