Khe-he - November 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 18th, 2008

[Nov. 18th, 2008|11:22 am]
В связи с финансовым кризисом свет в конце туннеля будет отключен в целях экономии электроэнергии.

Власти Египта и Турции требуют, что бы Российские туристы фотографировались в загранпаспорт пьяными…

Женщина - как светофор: сначала зажигает мужчине красный свет, потом желтый, и, наконец, зеленый.
А мужчина, как водитель - прет на любой.

- Мам, купи собачку!
- Нет!
- Ну пожалуйста, купи!
- Я же сказала, нет! Продай ее кому-нибудь другому!
... tālāk ... )
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[Nov. 18th, 2008|11:29 am]
Whenever my teenage daughter comes down the stairs dressed like a tramp for her date, I think to myself, "Damn, why won't her mother wear something like that?"
Dave Henry

When my wife asked me about having children, I said, "But how can we justify bringing another child into such a screwed-up world?" Then she reminded me that our kid might grow up to become a big movie star or a great NFL quarterback and make us really, really rich. I think having that much money would probably insulate him pretty well from all that "crappy world" stuff.
Miles Walker

The Top Signs You're About to Be Fired from eBay

- You just saw an online auction for a job that looks suspiciously like yours, and the current winning bid is $2.13 per hour from some guy in India.
- Your paystub includes a line that reads "End Time: Nov-21-08 10:00:00 PDT (3 days 7 hours)."
- Your PayPal'ed paycheck bounced.... tālāk ... )

Sealand is the world's smallest country, located in the English Channel and about the size of a football field, and it's featured on the cover of Wired Magazine this month. You can find their website at

The Top Tourism Slogans for Sealand

- We Vacuum Our Country Daily!
- Come for the View -- Stay to Captain Our Navy!
- The Mini-Me of Sovereign Nations... tālāk ... )
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[Nov. 18th, 2008|11:41 am]
Uzraksts Dienvidkorejā :) ... tālāk ... )

Bet vispār laba ideja! :) ... tālāk ... )

Atjautība! :D ... tālāk ... )

Brīdinājums :) ... tālāk ... )

Metode, protams, incanta... ... tālāk ... )

Čaks ir atpakaļ! :)) ... tālāk ... )

Labu apetīti! :) ... tālāk ... )

Hierarhijas ķedīte :D ... tālāk ... )

Labas zināšanas zooloģijā :DD ... tālāk ... )

Jauki! :) ... tālāk ... )
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