Khe-he - June 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 19th, 2008

[Jun. 19th, 2008|07:54 am]
Коммунизм придет на смену социализму тогда, когда на столбах вместо лампочек Ильича будут болтаться менеджеры по продажам.

- Чем вы кормите своего мужа?
- Да что сами едим, то и ему даём.

- Девушка, я вам нравлюсь?
- Нет!
- А вот тот?
- Господи, ну и рожа!
- Вот видите. Так что давайте по-хорошему.

- Деда, а расскажи, как ты во время войны два самолета сбил!
- Ну-у-у... Не совсем сбил.. Скажем так: недозаправил!
... tālāk ... )
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[Jun. 19th, 2008|08:16 am]
Preparation H is normally applied to one's posterior to shrink hemorrhoids, but it has also become popular as a means of temporarily erasing facial wrinkles. I'm guessing the second usage was discovered during a management training class.
Paul Layman

Despite the fact that the condom I got with this Adult Happy Meal was lubricated with barbecue sauce, I thought she'd at least appreciate it being McRibbed for her pleasure.
Brad Simanek

I'm holding back from having my own children because I'm not sure I'd be a very good parent. Besides, have you any idea how much people at raves charge when you want them to watch kids?
Danny Gallagher

The Top Complaints of Fast Food Workers

- Being ignored in the androgynous mascot costume, while that clown Ronald gets all the girls with his size 17 feet.
- Sexual encounters after closing involving giant vats of catsup aren't nearly as exciting as you might think.... tālāk ... )

The Top Signs You've Gotten Enough Rain

- "You wanted a houseboat? Well, now you got your F&%$IN' HOUSEBOAT, Slim!!"
- Al Gore's latest issue: Global squishing.... tālāk ... )
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[Jun. 19th, 2008|08:23 am]
Lol-politiķi ... tālāk ... )
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[Jun. 19th, 2008|04:40 pm]
The Top Lame Excuses for Not Going to the Gym

- I'm trapped in my recliner.
- I didn't want to increase my carbon footprint by driving to the gym.... tālāk ... )
The Top USAF Changes Under General Schwartz

- Air Force "bus driver" uniforms now more appropriate than ever.
- Changes in terminology include referring to heavy lift vehicles as "birds" and fighter jets as "bugs."... tālāk ... )
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