mākoņa sviesta cibiņa - cykac

About cykac

Previous Entry cykac5. Dec 2005 @ 20:34 Next Entry
Neilgu brīdi, pirms izdzēsos no draugiem el vē, noņēmu savu profila bildi. Vēlāk izrādījās, ka skatoties no cita profila, mana bilde stāv dzīva un neskarta.
Tā kā tas notika īsi pēc visādu vēstuļu/draugu/whatever pazušanas, es nospriedu, ka pulks lohu vienkārši uzjautrinās par mani, nospļāvos un izdzēsu kontu.
Vakar izdzēsu kādus 7-8 no saviem mūžam nerakstošajiem draugiem un vienu divpirkstu pieri. Tak šodien izrādās, ka visi 35 stāv kur stāvējuši.
Now what i am supposed to do?

[upd. 06.12.] šodien visi izdzēstie izkrituši no draugu lentas. atkārtoti neko nedzēsu. weird.

Ak jā -

FAQ Question #195

LiveJournal does not provide any way to add a large number of entries from another site to your LiveJournal simultaneously.

(Read More)
It is also not possible for your entries or their comments on another site to be transferred to your LiveJournal for you, even if the other site is running LiveJournal code. There is no way for entries that have been downloaded from another LiveJournal or from a journal on another site to be uploaded to a LiveJournal.

The only way to add an external entry to your LiveJournal is to copy and paste the entry's text into the Update Journal form. When doing this, you can set the appropriate date and time for the entry by changing the values in the "Date" fields on the Update page. Adding an entry in this way will cause it to appear in your journal as though it were originally posted there on the date you specified. If you choose to do this, you may need to backdate these entries; this will also prevent your friends' Friends pages from being flooded with the new entries.

If you add external entries to your journal using this method, there is no way for comments posted on another site to be added to this entry for you. You can, however, include a link to the original entry and its comments on the external site in the update.

If you want to use the above method to copy a large number of entries from another journal to your LiveJournal, you may wish to use a downloadable client to add the individual entries to your journal, which would eliminate the wait for pages to load.

Interesanti man kā vēsturniecei, a kāpēc nevarēja vienkārši uzrakstīt FORGET! ?
Oma: tired
Skan: THE CURE - [WISH #06] Doing an unstuck
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 20:51
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 20:54
tev arī tā liekas, ja?

man jau tā likās, ka tikai savai žiletei varu uzticēties...
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 20:59
burn mother fucker burn
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 21:27
how rude!
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 21:29

Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water burn

Yeah baby yeahhhhh!!!!
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 21:33


i kak ja srazu ņedodumalas?
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 21:16
Eu!Tad jau mans dzēsums,sākot no feisa un t.t.arī stāv iekšā!Nu m....s,goda vārds!
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 21:26

ei, a kas ir m...s? e?
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 21:29
nuuuu...nekā rupja!Mauļas!;))a ko Tu padomāji...;DD
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 5. Decembris 2005 - 21:32

mizas :D
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