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nedaudz pozitīvisma 1dienas rītam [Jul. 12th, 2009|10:51 pm]
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ziņas no zvaigžņotās Holivudas

james cagney
Extraordinarily (for Hollywood), he never cheated on his wife Frances, resulting in a marriage that lasted 64 years (ending with his death). The closest he came was nearly giving into a seduction attempt by Merle Oberon while the two stars were on tour to entertain WWII GIs.

paul newman
Now in his 80s, Newman enjoys a near 50-year marriage to Joanne [..] [responding to an interviewer's question as to why he was never "tempted" by the many beautiful Hollywood actresses he worked with] Why fool around with hamburger when you have steak at home?

Robert Ryan
Spouse: Jessica Cadwalader. merried: 11 March 1939 - 1972 (her death). 3 children. (RR pats mira nākamajā gadā, t.i. 73`)
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[User Picture]
Date:July 13th, 2009 - 06:00 pm
Kontrastam jau derēja Kerija Granta sievu saraksts:)
[User Picture]
Date:July 13th, 2009 - 08:57 pm
Elizabetes Teilores vīru saraksts vai vismaz Marlēnas Dītrihas piegulētājus...
bet mēste par skaisto un sirdi ielīksmojošo :)