Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 4. Jūnijs 2010, 17:23
ķibele ar vulkānu

By Senlis, my bladder was very full. By Lille, the pressure had become so great the contents had turned to amber. Ever peed from the window of a moving car? I have. It came out as pebbles. But it was worth it because at three in the morning I climbed into my own bed at home. Five countries. Planes. Trains and automobiles. And all because Mother Nature burped. [Jeremy Clarkson, TimesOnline]

Damn, kā mani te sakārdināja. Toč gribētos uztaisīt trip to Top Gear live. Var arī by plane. Bet vēl labāk on wheeeels! (rock)

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