Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 2. Jūnijs 2010, 14:20
It's official glasses give you specs appeal

For the first few weeks, says my mate Max from down the pub, you forget that you've got them and also that you're supposed to be using them.

Max tells me how, many years ago, he was watching a film at home when he suddenly thought: "Flippin' 'eck, I wear glasses now." So he found them and put them on. "It were like being given a new telly," he said.

..When the very nice woman (though not in glasses – disappointing) said: "Please read the chart on the screen," I replied: "What screen?"

Not funny, apparently. It might have been funnier when it went "…on the wall" and "What wall?" but things have moved on.

Then she put that ridiculous thumb-screwed contraption on my head so that different lenses could be tested on me. "Terrific," I said. "I'll take these." Still not funny.

It might just be worth having an eye test; if only because, when you finally get your specs, you'll be amazed at how good the world used to look. And apart from anything else, glasses are very, very cool.

I've just decided.

( - James May column)


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