Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 2. Maijs 2010, 18:24
The only criminal he can't catch is himself.

Terence McDonagh: Shoot him again.
Deshaun 'Midget' Hackett: What for?
Terence McDonagh: His soul is still dancing.
[laughs hysterically]

Terence McDonagh: [Hallucinating] What are these fuckin' iguanas doing on my coffee table.
Stevie Pruit: There ain't no iguana.
Terence McDonagh: ...Yeah, there are.
Stevie Pruit: There ain't no iguana.
Terence McDonagh: What the fuck is that?
[taps it]
Terence McDonagh: Fuckin' iguana.

Terence McDonagh: You think fish have dreams?


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