Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 15. Janvāris 2010, 12:39
The first step toward happiness is always the hardest.

Happiness. Happiness is a word for a feeling. Feelings are rarely understood; in a moment they are quickly forgotten and misremembered.

Henry Carter: It's grief. They want you to have some kind of normal response to grief, you know, so they don't have to watch. But it's *mine*.

Robert Carter: [quoting] It's a comfort for seekers to know that no matter how much strange water they may venture, there are always pilots within call. But yet the sufferer must help himself.

Henry Carter: It's all bullshit and then you die.

Un kas vēl pats labākais - Feelings are full of shit. Es zināju, ka man filma patiks, jau ieraugot posteri. Nepievīla nevienā minūtē. Un šizofrēniskais menedžerītis bija laba odziņa xD Radīja par sevi tādu sterila tipiņa iespaidu. [don't touch me! and the best line ever - I don't understand, how can someone shit on your porch] Filmas darbības vieta jau vien - L.A. - un tad vēl ierastais bizness, kas tur valda - celebrities, movie directors, writers un viss vienā. Mans vnk sēž un lupī eiforijā.


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