Mans 1. ieraksts šajā gadā.
Joprojām cīnos ar savu sāpošo kaklu. Bet ir tāda sajūta, ka šogad būs interesanti. Nē es nesagaidīju NY kaut kā īpaši, tā otrā daļa pat izvērstās vnk briesmīgi, bet par spīti tam, ir kaut kāda ''pareizā'' sajūta. My fear will disappear. If you're not afraid, you can do almost anything. You can go almost anywhere. You can solve almost any problem. And this year, as fear becomes a fading memory, you'll make great use of all the opportunity and inspiration that comes flooding into your life to take its place. [says J.C.] Kaut nu viņam būtu taisnība.
''My inner dragon is being set free to serve a righteous cause.''