making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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25. Mar 2017|20:52

Fire Upon the Deep (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) writes:

> > (Joe Slater) writes:
> >|This newsgroup gets what, a hundred or so messages a day? A
> >|comparable interstellar newsgroup would expect millions of
> >|messages in the same period. I don't care what sort of filtering
> >|you have; that's simply too many to be of any real use.
> >|What sort of criteria could reduce that number
> >|to a few dozen?

> An artificially intelligent news selector that's as picky as you tell
> it to be.

My point is that it can't be picky *enough*, because with that volume of messages there's an arbitrarily large number which express the same point and do so as well as eachother, and probably an arbitrarily large number of *opposing* points. You cannot compress an encyclopedia into a few minutes' idle reading.

Fragmenti no 1994. gada - cilvēki debatē par starpzvaigžņu usenetu (Net of Million Lies) no Vindža Fire Upon the Deep.

Varētu teikt: paskaties tikai, tagad to dara katrs Facebook / Twitter / Quora / ... saits. Un izmanto priekš tā AI. No otras puses, elementāru fīču trūkst: tas pats "pickness level" nav implementēts. Un tāpat arī ar vērtībspriedumiem - "confused individual, suggestion to ignore all further postings". Vai vienkārši "FAKE NEWS". Lūk, ko mums vajadzētu.
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