Joe Bluhm
Apr. 23., 2008 | 11:46 am
NO:: freakart
Joe Bluhm ir zināms karikatūrists, bet es viņam uzskrēju virsū tikai tagad. Darbi ir perfekti nostrādāti un ļoti amizanti, bet man pat vairāk patīk viņa skices ar parasto zīmuli, kur var redzēt katru mazāko līniju no kura kopumā sastāv viss zīmējums. Māksliniekam ir arī daudzi video tutoriāļi (pamācības), kuros viņš rāda kā soli pa solim viņš zīmē savus darbus.
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Joe Bluhm was born and raised in Laceyville, Pennsylvania. After attending the Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) he spent four years professionally drawing live caricatures all over the country. Joe has been invited to teach his brand of the art to artists at more than a dozen locations in the US and Tokyo, as well as a two-time seminar presenter at the National Caricaturist Network (NCN) international caricature convention. Among his many caricature awards is the highest international caricature recognition, the NCN’s ‘Caricaturist of the Year’ (2003).
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