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Nov. 28., 2007 | 04:17 pm
SKAŅA: BBS - PLAY:::http://spils.maxradio.lv
CLient: We also need a logo for our new site Fast Friends.com ...
Us: So what words come to mind when you think about how your logo should look.
Client: Well it should be 'fast' and 'very friendly' ...oh, and maybe look like an octapus with tentacles stretching out'
F that.
p.s. ahahahahahahahhahhah
http://www.derailer.org/clientquotes/?q id=56
CLient: We also need a logo for our new site Fast Friends.com ...
Us: So what words come to mind when you think about how your logo should look.
Client: Well it should be 'fast' and 'very friendly' ...oh, and maybe look like an octapus with tentacles stretching out'
F that.
p.s. ahahahahahahahhahhah