Sun, Nov. 10th, 2024, 09:26 am
Ломать - не строить

"In the past few years, the Spanish government has been removing dams at a furious rate. Under a European Union programme to encourage the restoration of rivers to their wild state for the benefit of fish migration, Spain set about dismantling barriers of all kinds. In 2021 it got rid of 108 dams and weirs; in 2022, another 133. That year, according to Dam Removal Europe, a coalition of seven green pressure groups, it was Europe’s proud league champion at dismantling them." 11:00

Una Organización de Usuarios y Consumidores de Agua sostiene que estos derribos facilitan el aprovechamiento del agua por parte de grandes industrias. «Se comercializan los caudales y se aplican criterios de mercado, mientras el Gobierno destina 2.500 millones de euros a la demolición de nuestro patrimonio»
Spain was the trailblazer of barrier removal in Europe for the second year in a row


Sun, Nov. 10th, 2024, 12:18 pm

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