running to stand still

May 13th, 2010

05:09 pm

izskatās, ka es neesmu vienīgā, kurai laika nosišana, nedarot to vienīgo, kas ir tiešām svarīgs, šķiet fascinējoša. prokrastinācijas eseju krājuma recenzija
(un vispār, vajag kaut kādu glītu latviešu valodas vārdu šai darbībai. prokrastinācija ir ok, bet nekas spīdošs)

The problem, as he sees it, is not with us, but with the puzzling structure of the most important human goods. These virtues—like writing or child rearing—are somehow much more valuable than the sum of their component activities, each of which is something of a hassle (finishing this paragraph or getting the kids off to school). Because of this strange construction, the human motivational engine doesn't quite know what to do. And so, frequently, it does nothing, and the paragraph, the page, the novel, remains unfinished.

11:26 pm

all your vanity and wits they will all vanish, I promise
it's just a matter of time
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