reliģiskais moments - June 18th, 2017 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
reliģiskais moments

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June 18th, 2017

[Jun. 18th, 2017|12:53 am]
Lead me from ignorance to a better ignorance
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[Jun. 18th, 2017|11:36 am]
We have gone sick by following a path of untrammelled rationalism, male dominance, attention to the visible surface of things, practicality, bottom-line-ism. We have gone very, very sick. And the body politic, like any body, when it feels itself to be sick, it begins to produce antibodies, or strategies for overcoming the condition of dis-ease. And the 20th century is an enormous effort at self-healing. Phenomena as diverse as surrealism, body piercing, psychedelic drug use, sexual permissiveness, jazz, experimental dance, rave culture, tattooing, the list is endless. What do all these things have in common? They represent various styles of rejection of linear values. The society is trying to cure itself by an archaic revival, by a reversion to archaic values. So when I see people manifesting sexual ambiguity, or scarifying themselves, or showing a lot of flesh, or dancing to syncopated music, or getting loaded, or violating ordinary canons of sexual behaviour, I applaud all of this; because it's an impulse to return to what is felt by the body -- what is authentic, what is archaic -- and when you tease apart these archaic impulses, at the very centre of all these impulses is the desire to return to a world of magical empowerment of feeling.
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What do you call the feeling of missing someone who doesn't exist? [Jun. 18th, 2017|11:59 am]
Quora man ir jaunā ciba. Tur ir tik interesanti.
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[Jun. 18th, 2017|12:17 pm]
Sāku skrollēt uz leju "ko es maku" un parādījās estētiskas jūtas. Es nezinu, ar ko šis ir sliktāks par dzeju!
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