Par Koku Uz Kalna - i did have it going! :D

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Jūnijs 10., 2005

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13:01 - i did have it going! :D
IR TIKAI JĀVĒLAS. [vismaz jāvēlas!!!]
nevar gribēt, ka pienesīs, ja tu skaidri un gaiši pasaki, ka negribi. un īsti neskaidras un negaišas lietas tiek uztvertas tāpat!

I've got so much beauty around me I can't move
I've got so much beauty around me I can't loose
I've got so much beauty around me I can't choose
I've got so much beauty around me, around you

Garastāvoklis:: jumping from joy
Mūzika: damien rice - toffee pop

(i wanna be radical!)

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