
A Deal With God

Jan. 19th, 2022 | 06:44 am
From:: bauda

Vecā DerÄ«ba, salÄ«dzinot ar Jauno, ir kā Pamela Andersona pret klÄ«rÄ«gu jaunuvi, kam pirms tevis bijuÅ”i kādi divi džeki un kas nemūžam nenorÄ«s, ja vien ar varu naizspiedÄ«si muti #norape #nogangrape Es gan nesaku, ka esmu baigajā sajÅ«smā par Pamelu, Boys Boys Boys Sabrina no tās ēras Ŕķiet daudz ņemamāka, kaut vai tāpēc, ka nav tik kliÅ”ejiski blonda, bet piemēram ā€“ Vecā DerÄ«ba ir kaut kas tikpat vulgārs un fundamentāls :) reizē. JebÅ”u esmu diezgan droÅ”s, ka kaila viņa bÅ«tu nesimetriska :/ no astoņdesmito formÄ«gajām ikonām mani visvairāk Å”armē Keita BuÅ”a, ko jau noteikti esmu rakstÄ«jis katrā no savām (nopietnajām) cibām un kuru man pat neceļas salÄ«dzināt ar visu to kristÄ«gu treÅ”u. Man sākumā likās, ka Running Up That Hill ir par kādu depresÄ«vu čali, bet tur, izrādās, vispārÄ«gāks sižets un kaut kāds triumfējoÅ”s atavisms triviā

ā€œI was trying to say that, really, a man and a woman, canā€™t understand each other because we are a man and a woman. And if we could actually swap each otherā€™s roles, if we could actually be in each otherā€™s place for a while, I think weā€™d both be very surprised! [Laughs] And I think it would be led to a greater understanding. And really the only way I could think it could be done was either ā€¦ you know, I thought a deal with the devil, you know. And I thought, ā€˜Well, no, why not a deal with God!ā€™ You know, because in a way itā€™s so much more powerful, the whole idea of asking God to make a deal with you. You see, for me it is still called ā€˜Deal With God,ā€™ that was its title. But we were told that if we kept this title that it wouldnā€™t be played in any of the religious countries, Italy wouldnā€™t play it, France wouldnā€™t play it, and Australia wouldnā€™t play it! Ireland wouldnā€™t play it, and that generally [meant] we might get it blacked purely because it had ā€˜Godā€™ in the title. Now, I couldnā€™t believe this, this seemed completely ridiculous to me and the title was such a part of the songā€™s entity. I just couldnā€™t understand it. But none the less, although I was very unhappy about it, I felt unless I compromised that I was going to be cutting my own throat, you know, Iā€™d just spent two, three years making an album and we werenā€™t gonna get this record played on the radio, if I was stubborn. So I felt I had to be grown up about this, so we changed it to ā€˜Running Up That Hill.ā€™ But itā€™s always something Iā€™ve regretted doing, I must say. And normally I always regret any compromises that I make.ā€

Tas Placebo čuvax MANĀM ausÄ«m Å”o dziesmu izvaroja, bet atzÄ«stos, ka nenoklausÄ«jos lÄ«dz galam, jo izslēdzu pēc pirmajām rindiņām, kad sapratu, ka nevēlos dzirdēt to griezÄ«go narcistisko baritonu, jo nespēju to uztvert nekā citādi kā zaimoÅ”anu. Pis nax, tu, kā tu tur saucies, Brain Moloko, laikam, right?

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