/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa -
October 14th, 2017
09:41 pm


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Researchers from the University of Zürich warned that an external ring of metal surrounding an inner pill of a different colour, as in the euro coins, can lead to the release of high levels of nickel, causing allergic reactions with people sensitive to the metal. The researchers also warned that the coins could contain between 240 and 320 times the amount of nickel allowed under the EU nickel directive.

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Date:October 15th, 2017 - 10:47 pm
kā viņi nesaprot, ka tas nozīmē toksīnu izvadīšanu
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Date:October 16th, 2017 - 01:21 am
nauda detoksējas?
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