- baisi
- 26.7.06 19:25
- The Capgras delusion or Capgras' syndrome is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that an acquaintance, usually a close family member or spouse, has been replaced by an identical looking imposter.
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- franču slimība
- 26.7.06 19:38
It is named after Joseph Capgras (1873-1950), a French psychiatrist who first described the disorder in a paper by Capgras and Reboul-Lachaux in 1923. They used the term l'illusion des sosies (the illusion of doubles) to describe the case of a French woman who complained that various "doubles" had taken the place of people she knew.
- Atbildēt
- 26.7.06 19:35
Mani visvairāk interesē, kā viņi noskaidro, ka tā ir kļūda :)
- Atbildēt
- 26.7.06 19:37
Parasti jau iekrīt uz sīkumiem
- Atbildēt
- 26.7.06 20:42
- Atbildēt