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NEMIEGONIS [May. 15th, 2008|08:44 am]
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[mood |awake]
[music |Lustra]

Man nav laika!!!!!
Nu pavisam NAV.
Man gribas iemaaciities lidot, bet NAV laika.
Man vajag sajukt prātā, bet NAV laika.
Man patīk nepīpēt, bet NAV laika.
Ilgi tā vairs nevarēs, saplacināsies smadzenes!!! :D
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Date:November 24th, 2008 - 07:17 pm
To every thing there is a season…
a time to every purpose
under heaven.

There is a time to be born…
a time to die…
a time to kill…
a time to heal…
a time to weep…
a time to laugh…
a time to seek…
a time to keep silent…
a time to speak…
a time to love.

- A time…
- to love…
- a time…
- to hate…
- a time…
for conflict…
a time…
for peace.

("In weiter ferne, so nah"/Vecā derība)