
12.. Apr, 2022 | 07:17
cibiņš ≡: zivs

will never (for a while) do speak latvian.
because of kartupelis.

I've revealead to my poor russian neighbor "I'm western european in core, hate all the eastern. I'm in base a foreigner".
Thinking like Laura. We hate everything what comes from Stalin politics and his heritage. And it will never stop in our country for many ages. Everything is burned down for centuries. We have nothing to do with it, just suffer or leave.

Pleasure (only pleasure), to hear my blood running.
Can measure my pulse, if I would try, while headphones covering me from ambient sounds.

UPD. Yes, it's true. In western countries, people took me with admiration and hypes, don't believing, I'm from kartupelis country.
My english is bad. Thou, they praised me. I was ever guested, as one of them.

Anyway, I'm happy to be born here. My challenges are small. We have no poisonous insects, wild predators, tornados, and have no bombing.

Blue sky. Shinny today.

And Riga is beautiful city. Really, really beautiful

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