19.. Jan, 2022 | 22:33
cibiņš ≡: zivs
you stumble in my footsteps.
try walking in my shoes
please, try
Im down
es ilgi padomāju, pirms rakstīt.
sister of night, I really do love you
in your sadest dress,
tell yourself its all right.
hey, sister, I feel it too
ir tik daudz vārdu, kas trūkst, ko es veltītu māsai
try walking in my shoes
please, try
Im down
es ilgi padomāju, pirms rakstīt.
sister of night, I really do love you
in your sadest dress,
tell yourself its all right.
hey, sister, I feel it too
ir tik daudz vārdu, kas trūkst, ko es veltītu māsai