Mana Ala - thought
Comments:I have no permitions to help...You dont permit me to get to know about You...
You dont care so nobody wil care if You DONT WANT THAT... nobody will risk to be hearted so many times because of your indisposition to be the one I care and it is the reason I want to rebuild you...but not 4 myself...4 you...
and actually I dont want rebuild noone anymore... I cannot... it is the reason why I`m trying to understand WHY WHY WHY... WHY are you so different to me to your ex to your parent to all... everybody knows you in another way... I hate that... I hate hiding.. I hate when I have no choise... there's allways at least two choices...
... if neither of them are acceptable to You, that's Your problem... ... but the best choice for You could be to stop trying to change me! if i'll change - i'll do it by myself! I am what I am and I do what I do! Peace... I dont know what are the choices....
AND I dont believe anymore... in your changes.... I have been waiting more I could accept, I have no hope anymore...I have no flame anymore....that all I had have disappeared or turned in the dust... I have no force anymore... Beidz vienreiz būt tik samaksloti vienaldzigs.... Ja tu sev un visai pasaulei centisies iestastit ka tevi nekas neinteresee un ka pasaulei arii gar tevi nav nekaadas daljas tad pienāks bridis kad tu pats un citi tev beidzot noticees...TAS IR STULBI!!!
droši vien, ka tā ir labāk... bet kamēr es domāju (un nespēju nedomāt), es uzdodu jautājumus un meklēju atbildes uz tiem... pat ja bez tā ir labāk, man par to pagaidām nav lemts pārliecināties... ;P
neprasīt = nedomāt...
nedomāt <> būt... ...ja ticēt senajiem filozofiem - bez domāšanas nav existences... |