Reach The Skies: A Lifebook

Traffic within galaxies

Traffic within galaxies

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Googles bērnu nometnē šovasar bērni mācās kā lietot Google Earth un pārējos geo-rīkus. Nometnes beigās jāaizpilda maza anketa. Atbildes:

When I'm a grownup, I'll use Google Earth to...

* find a place to go on vacation (Nick, 5th grader)
* share global awareness about different countries to other people (Esha, 9th grader)
* look at other galaxies, and see if there's traffic (Aditya, 7th grader)

Par pēdējo atbildi pārsmējos :) Bet, kāpēc gan ne?

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  • :) labs!
    Kazi, mosh izaugs liels un atklaas arii to trafiku :)
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