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Dienas citāts no quoras speciāli begemotam. [Feb. 3rd, 2024|10:40 am]

"Marx’s vision of communism was that when the problems of production and scarcity have finally been solved, all people would be free to behave as one universal community.

On the micro scale, and your own experience will confirm thus if you are lucky enough to be included, wherever you have a strong community then you will find strong elements of communism:

People contribute what they can and take what they need from the community.
Money, class and nationality become irrelevant, even if they still exist.
The need for external governance disappears.

Disclaimer; Different types of community exist, just as different types of communism do. To appreciate the meaning and value of communism does not automatically make one a Communist. One can be an intelligent conservative and still support genuinely communist values."
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