Esam uz pareizā ceļa. Atliek tikai turpināt. |
[Jan. 23rd, 2025|06:43 pm] |
2024. ES saražoja vairāk enerģijas no saules kā dedzinot ogles. Tas ļoti priecē.
Ko teloss jums nestāsta. |
[Jan. 9th, 2025|09:58 am] |
Poland approves $14.7bn for first nuclear power plant.
Bonusā pāris citātu par tēmu no reddita.
"In the year 2095, Polish politicians still gather every few months to discuss plans for building the country's first nuclear power plant. No one remembers what the nuclear plant was for, but the meetings continue because it’s Tradition. The Ministry of Tradition even funds it, alongside the Department of Eternal Consultations, ensuring everyone still argues about where to put the plant that will never exist. Some say it’s all just an excuse to keep the catering contracts alive. Others believe it’s a sacred rite to summon the mythical "First Shovel Ceremony.""
"2036: Polands first nuclear reactor costs up to 30 billion and is ready by 2045." |
Baseload is yesterday? |
[Dec. 12th, 2024|03:52 pm] |
Ko par to saka zinātne un inženierija?
Īsums ar enerģijas uzglabāšanu. Labi, ka akumulatoru cenas turpina strauji kristies. Slikti, ka EU viegli izgāzās ar ražotņu būvniecību un attīstību, Ķīna atkal jau mums "izgriež pogas". Tīras vides, dzeramā ūdens utml cena ir augsta, bet personīgi es esmu ar mieru to maksāt.
Because renewable production fluctuates with the weather, it often causes grid congestion and cannot always be relied on, while → baseload power from conventional power plants is still used to ensure security of supply. In the future, storing renewable power is predicted to play a more important role in allowing Germany to give up fossil fuels altogether, alongside flexibility options like demand-side management. Some industry players already use battery storage plants to balance short-term fluctuations in power supply and to keep the grid stable |
Rekādu es smuku bildīti atradu. |
[Nov. 21st, 2024|06:52 pm] |
[Jul. 6th, 2024|12:29 pm] |
"If the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has accurately estimated the planet's economically accessible uranium resources, reactors could run more than 200 years at current rates of consumption." "Today there are about 440 nuclear power reactors operating in 32 countries plus Taiwan, with a combined capacity of about 390 GWe. In 2022 these provided 2545 TWh, about 10% of the world's electricity."
Ja es pareizi rēķinu, tad urāns beigtos 20 gadu laikā, ja mēs visu elektrību ražotu ar AES palīdzību. |
Sapnis par SMR izsapņots? |
[Jul. 2nd, 2024|04:53 pm] |
"EdF has run into similar problems with its large scale technology. The Flammanville project in France was announced in 2004 with a budget of €3 billion and a deadline of 2012. It is still not in operation and its costs have soared at least four-fold to €13.2 billion.
The Hinkley C project in the UK has been an even bigger disaster. EdF had promised in 2007 that it would be “cooking Christmas turkeys” in England by 2017, at a cost of £9 billion, but is already delayed to 2031 with a spiralling cost of £48 billion when inflation is taken into account, or $A93 billion."
""Come’on guys, how naive do you take the average Australian voter for?” Buckley wrote.
“In your alternate fact world, who do you think will pay for the permanent around 50% increase in Australian energy prices for consumers? Are you really intent on destroying the international competitiveness of Australian industry purely in the service of your fossil fuel funders?”"
"An overwhelming majority of people aged 18 to 54 thought Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy plan “is just an attempt to extend the life of gas and limit investment in large-scale renewables”, while a majority of those aged over 55 thought the nuclear plan is serious and should be part of the future energy mix, Essential Media’s Peter Lewis wrote." |
Vācija turpina nezināt, ka tā nevar. |
[Jul. 1st, 2024|08:19 am] |

"Germany: Electricity production from coal fell below 20% for the first time in history in the first half of 2024 as renewables reach a new record" |
Nu tak varam, ja gribam!!!1 |
[Jun. 28th, 2024|10:47 am] |
Zaļās enerģijas pieaugums: 2023. gadā atjaunojamā enerģija veidoja lielāko daļu no ES elektroenerģijas.
un čatsgpt izdomāja piemtināt. nezinu no kurienes viņš to izrāva.
23. gadā Eiropas Savienība piedzīvoja ievērojamu zaļās enerģijas pieaugumu, kad atjaunojamā enerģija kļuva par galveno elektroenerģijas avotu reģionā. Pateicoties intensīvām investīcijām un tehnoloģiskiem sasniegumiem, vēja, saules un hidroenerģija nodrošināja lielāko daļu no ES elektroenerģijas ražošanas. Šis sasniegums ir nozīmīgs solis ceļā uz klimatneitrālu ekonomiku un parāda Eiropas Savienības apņēmību samazināt oglekļa emisijas un atkarību no fosilā kurināmā.
upd. pēc publikas lūguma izkopēšu absolūtos skaitļus, jo acīmredzot lasīt rakstu ir tldr. "Renewable energy was the leading source of electricity in the EU in 2023, according to preliminary data from Eurostat. Renewables accounted for 44.7 per cent of all electricity production generating 1.21 million Gigawatt-hours (GWh) - a 12.4 per cent increase from 2022. Rapid installation of new solar and wind projects across the bloc has helped push this figure up. Electricity from fossil fuels overall fell by 19.7 per cent in comparison, contributing 0.88 GWh or 32.5 per cent of the EU’s power." |
Izskatās, ka nākotnē lielāko daļu elektroenereģijas, ko lietos visā pasaulē, saražos saule. |
[Jun. 21st, 2024|04:26 pm] |
Tā viš ir, tepat dažu gaismas minūšu attālumā ir milzīgs reaktors, kurš nerimstoši raida enerģiju, ko mums lietot. Var izdomāt visvisādus iemeslus kāpēc ne, bet rādās, ka nepielūdzami nāksies vien to darīt. Kas arī šķiet loģiski, ņemot vērā cik strauji attīstās saules paneļu efektivitāte un pazeminās to cena. Ļoti iespējams, ka drīz vien Āfrika sāks ļoti strauji attīstīties, jo tai uzradīsies milzīgs apjoms superlētas elektroenerģijas. Esmu optimisma pilns. Vēl tikai tāds sīkums kā efektīvāki veidi kā uzglabāt enerģiju, bet zinot, cik ļoti homo sapiens ir spējīgs attīstīt un uzlabot jau esošas tehnoloģijas, ilgi nebūs jāgaida. Aiziet!
Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm. |
[Jun. 18th, 2024|07:28 am] |
"From what I see nuclear tech can solve a lot of problems, like eliminating large corporations, decreasing overall temperature and(in some cases) decreasing population density. Im just saying, nuclear weapons are usefull." |
[Mar. 13th, 2024|01:00 pm] | "Lai Latvijā nepalielinātos elektroenerģijas atkarība no citām valstīm, būtu apsverama iespēja attīstīt kodolenerģiju."
Nuja beidzot jāliek tās urāna atradnes pie Rāznas ezera lietā, mazliet jāpārbūvē Salaspils reaktors un aizies SMR rūkdams.
Vot kā var izdomāt, ka nepalielināsies elektroenerģijas atkarība, ja būvēsi staciju, kuras degviela tiek ražota ekskluzīvi krievijā un ķīnā. Laikam ar kalvīti būs konsultējušies, viņš ir speciālists šādos jautājumos, esmu absolūti drošs par to. |
Dienas citāts. |
[Sep. 18th, 2023|02:24 pm] |
"Low-carbon technologies that were so expensive just a few decades ago that they were only affordable for satellites have came down steadily in price and now provide the cheapest electricity on the planet (which implies that they are now the cheapest source of energy that humanity ever had access to)."
upd. citāta mērce |