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Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm. [Feb. 17th, 2024|12:38 pm]
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"Greens are actually the party who only got the second least amount of donations of all the parties in the Bundestag last year, with the Left being the one who got the least."
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Intenets zin visu, internets tevi vēro. [Jun. 12th, 2021|01:41 pm]
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"I don't think there is a conservative approach to solving homelessness. The conservative view on politics tends to be the idea that people should take personal responsibility for the situation and that the state should be as hands off as possible. Most conservatives I have met wouldn't look at it as a societal problem, but a personal one and that people who are homeless are their because of their choices. They wouldn't view it as a problem that the government should do anything aboute."
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